peptides and peptoids; cyclic peptides; porphyrins
biomimetic approach
- Antimicrobial peptoids (다약제 내성균 치료 항생제 개발을 위한 항균 펩타이드와 펩토이드, BT News 2018)
- Mitochondria-targeting peptoids and cell-penetrating peptoids
- Peptide-based activity-based probes (ABPs) and bacterial invasion inhibitors
- Cyclic peptides have drawn much interest from the pharmaceutical industry and academia as being the 'ideal' class of compounds for their drug-like properties.
(Constrained peptides' time to shine? Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 2018, 17, 531-533)
- Construction of macrocyclic peptide library for various therapeutic applications. Anti-HBV drugs and antibiotics.
- Structural investigation of cyclic peptides.
- Natural enzyme active site mimicry
- Metal-binding natural product mimics (e.g. siderophores, metal-binding antibiotics)
- Explore novel catalytic systems
- Position-specific modulation of peptoid structures
- Post-synthetic modification of peptoid side chains